My name is Steve Tapner and I have 35 years experience in the Dismantling Industry that includes 11 years testing, documenting and implementing the Pinnacle Inventory system for Australian dismantlers.
As a consultant to the dismantling industry I have developed a number of processes to analyse the data you collect every day in Pinnacle to help you buy more of the most profitable cars, and process them more efficiently for more profitable sales.
Have you recruited a new staff member to a key position in your business? In sales, inventory or administration? Or are you concerned that someone who is in a key role could do his or her job better? You can greatly improve an employee’s chance of success by giving them specific training in Pinnacle.
In the Dismantling Industry “We buy cars, but we sell parts”, and anything you can do to make the processing of cars for the parts you actually need more efficient will deliver a benefit to your business that goes “straight to the bottom line”.
Dismantling Solutions is located in Newcastle NSW within easy reach of Newcastle and Sydney Airports for travel to all Australian and New Zealand Pinnacle sites