

Getting the most out of Pinnacle Processes and Procedures
In the Dismantling Industry “We buy cars, but we sell parts”, and anything you can do to make the processing of cars for the parts you actually need more efficient will deliver a benefit to your business that goes “straight to the bottom line”.

Dismantling Solutions has developed a series of spreadsheets that analyse key data and help you to make better decisions about which cars to buy and how to process them. This knowledge is then used to ensure that your key staff are using the best tools available in Pinnacle to do the job.

Do you want to get more return on your investment in Pinnacle?
Every day that you and your staff are using Pinnacle to inventory and sell parts you are collecting data. This is data about your customers, your stock level, pricing and sales, and about your vehicle profitability.

Pinnacle has many reports that you can run but do you know which reports are right for you to give you the information you need about your business’s performance?

Dismantling Solutions can help you sort through all the information that is found in your Pinnacle system and distil it down to what you need to know on a regular basis to consolidate or grow your dismantling business.

Pinnacle Conversion?
Are you on another system such as ARMS, Aden or UIS? Are you considering changing over to Pinnacle and are you concerned about the effort and cost to do so?

Steve Tapner has years of experience of the conversion process in Pinnacle and can give prospective Pinnacle sites a detailed view of what is required for a successful conversion.